
Managed Services

KATAM offers Managed services to its customers for more Effective, Reliable and Scalable IT Operations. We can provide your company with wide variety of IT options that are also scalable to meet growth related needs. In short, we can recommend and implement specific IT services that our client need currently and in the future. You can observe significant improvement in IT ticket resolution compared to waiting for help from over-burdened in-house tech resources. An important service that KATAM provide to improve IT operations is called Performance Monitoring. Through the use of a high-end firewall, agents, and other tools, we will proactively manage and oversee your IT network's performance. KATAM will know when your IT performance is being adversely affected or will be impacted in the near future with detrimental results

Significant IT Cost Savings and Improved IT Inventory Management/Budgeting

  • Importantly, with the reduction of IT infrastructure and maintenance costs and the cutting or reduction of dedicated employee resources for IT, KATAM often provides substantial IT cost savings in both the short and long run. With the use of KATAM that offers flat fee plans, your company can more easily get a handle on its overall IT inventory management and you will be able to predict and prepare accurate monthly and annual IT budgets

Freeing up Dedicated Resources and Help with Strategy

  • With KATAM, you can reassign dedicated IT and other resources to carry out the many different tasks your company requires. Your company can more effectively strategize how to utilize your IT assets to achieve your business goals. Their proven expertise can help guide you on how to most effectively utilize IT within the budgetary restrictions you have

Cutting-Edge Cyber Security

  • Nothing strikes greater fear for many small businesses than the nightmare scenario of their network being hacked and sensitive data being corrupted or stolen. KATAM offers your company layers of the latest cyber security protection through firewalls, applications, monitoring, filtering, and other protective measures. KATAM has the technology and expertise to keep hackers out or to quickly rid the system of their presence if they manage to penetrate their layered defenses. KATAM will also provide robust back-ups of a company's critical data and applications to ensure the continuity of business operations

Updated IT and Compliance Requirements

  • KATAM will ensure that your company's IT network and applications are regularly updated to the latest and most effective versions to meet your specific needs.KATAM state of the art technology portfolio is also continuously being used to benefit your company without the need for you to research and implement it yourself. You can also rest assured that all industry-specific security and other compliance requirements are accounted for and being met